
Bus Service

Thank you for using our school bus service. To ensure that we operate this service efficiently, we need to know the number of students taking the bus prior to the start of each term.

Therefore, booking for a place on bus is for a whole term. Should you wish to withdraw your child from the service, you are required to advise the school in writing by mid term in order not to be billed for the next term.

Decision to withdraw from a service during a term will not entitle you to a refund as the resulting vacancy will most likely not to be filled by another child once term is in progress.

Thank you for your kind co-operation.

Bus Service Information

Bus Registration e-Form for New Student

Kindly fill in the bus registration e-form by clicking the link below if you wish to book a seat on the bus for your child.

Flexible School Bus Service

Flexible School Bus Service is available for those students who wish to take the school bus for a short period, i.e. which is less than a school term. The service is subject to the availability of seats. You may refer to our bus service information for the flexible rates schedule for one way and two ways. The flexible bus service is charged at a fixed weekly rate. This means if you only utilize the service for one or two days, you will still be charged a fixed weekly rate.


Should you wish to withdraw your child from the transport service, you are required to advise the school in writing by mid-term in order not to be billed for the next term.

Student Conduct Rules for the Uplands School Bus

  • I use the school values and observe the same conduct on the bus as in the classroom and in school. 
  • I am courteous, use no rude language, and speak in a sensible volume at all times.
  • I do not eat or drink on the bus, helping to keep the bus clean. 
  • I cooperate with the driver and bus marshals and do what they ask of me the first time.
  • I do not bring any dangerous items on the bus. 
  • I stay in my seat with my seat belt fastened at all times. 
  • I keep my hands and feet to myself. 
  • I understand that the bus drivers and marshals are authorized to assign seats as they wish. 

Consequences for breaking the code of conduct

Step 1: I may miss the morning break and reflect on my behaviour with the Head of Primary.

Step 2: I may miss my lunch break and my parents may be informed via letter.

Step 3: A meeting may be arranged with my parents.

Step 4: I may receive a one-week suspension from using school bus service.

Step 5: I may receive a suspension from the school bus for the remainder of the term.