Secondary School Programme

Head of Secondary's Welcome

Here at the International School of Penang, Uplands, we proudly offer our families an international education that values excellence, integrity, and encourages students to live by our motto: Respect for Self, Respect for Others. Our Secondary school endeavours to strike a balance between providing a rigorous programme of academic study designed to prepare students to access higher education whilst also recognising and valuing the importance of educating the whole student to ensure they are able to thrive in our ever-changing, multi-cultural world. Our broad programme offers the opportunity to experience a plethora of subjects as students move from our bespoke international curriculum in Year 7-9 through the Cambridge IGCSE programme and onto the International

Baccalaureate Diploma Programme concluding in Year 13. Our academic programme is underpinned by an excellent system of pastoral care, known as our RESPECT programme where we encourage students to develop a better understanding of themselves and the local and international community. Students have opportunities to actively contribute to society as they become more globally-minded citizens and grow into future leaders.

Emily Vallance
Head of Secondary

The Secondary School Programme

We proudly offer our families an international education that values excellence, integrity, and balance, encouraging students to live by our motto: Respect for Self, Respect for Others. Our curriculum is designed to build strong academic foundations alongside developing essential approaches to Learning needed for successful life-long learning as well as celebrating our diverse community as we endeavor to grow our young people into globally-minded citizens.

Years 7-9

Years 10-11 (IGCSE)

Years 12-13 (IB Diploma)

Years 10-13 (HS Diploma)

Student Leadership

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Pastoral Care

At Uplands, we believe children learn best in a secure and enjoyable environment built on respectful learning relationships. Relationship building is at the centre of our learning and teaching philosophy. Our pastoral care system is an essential component of the Secondary School that prioritises student wellbeing through establishing meaningful relationships. Every child is placed in a tutor group with two Form Tutors. Form Tutors will look after your children in a variety of ways. Not only will they monitor their holistic progress, but they will care for your child’s welfare throughout the year with the support and guidance of a Head of Year. All of these people will be happy to discuss problems or anxieties with both students and parents or guardians. In addition, Uplands has a School Counsellor who can assist.

Academic Study

The secondary school academic programme is a rigorous and interconnected programme of study, designed to prepare students for tertiary study and the new and emerging complex world that they will enter as young adults.

In the Lower Secondary school, students follow a broad base of studies intended to extend upon previously acquired knowledge and to provide a foundation for their future schooling. When students commence study at Year 10, they are able to build flexibility and choice into their academic program. All students are encouraged to commence a pattern of study so that they are able to graduate in Year 13 with an accredited High School Diploma. The High School Diploma typically consists of subjects drawn directly from the IGCSE and IB Diploma programs, but can also cater for students seeking greater flexibility within their program.

Courses for Year 10 and 11 students generally culminate in the Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE). Students typically take 9-11 external exams as part of this pathway.

The majority of students entering Years 12 and 13 will study for the full International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma. Students may elect to follow the High School Diploma pathway to create different and flexible study plans.

  • External IGCSE and the IB examinations are held from May-June each year.


Throughout secondary school, students are given a degree of choice in the selection of their subjects. These options become more varied as they progress through the School and work in increasingly specialised fields.


Malaysian citizens are required by the Ministry of Education to study Bahasa Malaysia (the national language) up to Year 11. Bahasa Malaysia is a compulsory subject for all Year 7 to 9 students regardless of nationality as part of our commitment to our school mission and values, showing respect to the home language of the country we live in.

Students who need strong English support will be required to take English for Academic Purposes to ensure they are able to successfully access the curriculum.

Support and advice are offered to all students throughout their time at Uplands. For children who are exceptionally high achievers or those with additional learning needs, some specialist support is available through the Student Support Unit.


Support and advice are offered to all students throughout their time at Uplands. For children who are exceptionally high achievers or those with learning difficulties, specialist support is available


Homework is purposefully designed to support student learning, enabling students to develop their skills and understanding by providing opportunities which include:

  • follow up and research topics of particular interest and aspects of the work covered in class;
  • working at their own speed and level;
  • developing independence, organization, and responsibility;
  • preparing for future activities;
  • demonstrating how well they have understood a concept taught in class


Homework should complement in-class learning, allowing for personalization and differentiation as we endeavour to live our school value of balance.