
The Prefect System

The Prefect System allows students to demonstrate their maturity and sense of responsibility. Uplands Prefects are role models for the rest of the student body and embody the school’s ethos to the highest standard. The ability to lead and inspire is an expectation of all Prefects. Prefects are ambassadors for the school at all times and promote the safety and well-being of all students in our community. 

Candidates for Prefect responsibilities are carefully selected by faculty and their peers. They must be responsible, diligent, hardworking, and ready to represent the school at any given time. The positions require forward-thinking, confident individuals who will introduce new ideas to the school and foster a positive ethos. Prefects act as a link between teachers and students.

They aim to embody the school’s values, as well as integrate its strategic goals into the daily lives of all students through communication and event coordination. These range from inter-house and sports events to the coordination of school assemblies and monitoring well-being among their peers. 

The leadership system now also aims to nurture future leaders by providing an opportunity for students from younger year groups (Years 7-11)to take on roles of responsibility. There are middle and high school councils that are overseen by our student voice committee, as well as house representatives from each tutor group that are led by the house prefects. 

Leadership Portfolios for 2024 include Service, Student Voice, and Community.


To promote a sustainable and proactive approach to environmental issues amongst the students by providing more opportunities to exhibit environmental awareness and support the school and wider community.

  • Erica Khoo
  • Angel Sun


Student Voice

To actively listen and engage with students from other years to give them a voice. To develop the leadership skills of secondary prefects so they might enhance their phase of the school.

  • Daryn Zulkarnain
  • Owen Lim
  • Nick Khor
  • Soniya Shi
  • Harry Han

Student Community

To build community spirit by leading the 4 Uplands houses Crag, Hill, Kelawei, and School.
To lead the organization of community-based events encouraging all members of the school community to participate.

  • Gia Mahatani
  • Lucy Hwang
  • Joel Mohan
  • Hali Lin
  • Chloe Bourgeois
  • Cora Legaz-Clua
  • Elysse Siau

Prefect Leaders

To be responsible for agendas and organizing Prefect meetings, supporting the team to reach a consensus when making decisions. To Coordinate decisions and liaise between portfolios and teams on developments, ideas, and events that work towards the strategic vision agreed by the Prefect Team

  • Timothy Ang
  • Jie Xi Chew