Once a student has secured a place at Uplands a deposit is requested to guarantee the place for the student. (See “Application Procedure” for details.) Once the deposit has been received a letter of confirmation is issued to the parents guaranteeing a place in the school.
The student is then registered with the school and placed in the appropriate year level and assigned to a tutor or homeroom teacher. A Registration book is issued to the parents and must be completed prior to the starting date of the student. Depending on the year level of the child, language courses need to be chosen and subject choices for IGCSE and IB Diploma Programme students are decided in consultation with the appropriate Heads of Year groups.
Once this is completed the child is officially enrolled at Uplands. Students are assigned class teachers for Primary and Tutor teachers for secondary. Each student is assigned a Sports house colour for use in internal sporting and extra curricular events.
Uniforms and PE kits can be purchased at the uniform shop. (See School Uniforms for location and opening hours.)
For secondary students, lockers, student ID’s and individual timetables are issued once the student is attending school.
The Accounts Department issue invoices at the beginning of the term by post.
There is an Orientation Day for all new students at the beginning of Term 1 and Term 2. This allows the new students and parents to meet the teachers, tour the campus and get a feel for Uplands prior to attending classes. Although new students are accepted for entrance in Term 3, there is no Orientation Day.
New students are assigned a ‘class buddy’ to aid in the transition to a new school and to help the students find their way in the first week of classes.
The pastoral team comprising the Head of Year and co-tutors in the Secondary School will work in collaboration to support new students, gathering feedback from teachers to determine how the student is adapting to life at Uplands.
The International School of Penang (Uplands)
Jalan Sungai Satu,
11100 Batu Feringgi, Penang,
E: info@uplands.org
T: +60 4 881 9777
F: +60 4 881 9778