Health And Well-Being


The health of our boarders is assured by our caring onsite Nurse who provides medical treatment as appropriate for minor healthcare issues, arranges doctors’ appointments, and manages student medication.

Catering: Our Chef and on-site dietician are an essential element in ensuring the health and well-being of our boarders. Our kitchens provide a tasty mixture of both Western and Asian cuisine.

Our Matrons are vital in ensuring that our boarders experience a warm and friendly home-like environment upon returning from school. They are available to boarders 24- hours a day and making sure their uniform is appropriate, accompanying the younger ones on trips to the market or mall for shopping, talks with them, and provides the link between the boarder and the parents should they need to call or make arrangements to travel home.

Academic tutors are important in supporting our boarders in their studies. Subject-specific tutoring can be arranged through the Boarding House and is both efficient and effective in enabling a boarder to achieve their academic goals