World Wildlife Day

Do you know the colour of a polar bear’s skin? Or a giraffe’s tongue? Well after celebrating World Wildlife Day last Friday at Uplands our students certainly do now. Led by the Primary Leaders in a joint collaboration with Secondary Prefects, Uplands celebrated World Wildlife Day in a flurry of colour, ears and beautiful patterns.

The incredible David Attenborough once said It seems to me that the natural world is the greatest source of excitement; the greatest source of visual beauty; the greatest source of intellectual interest. It is the greatest source of so much in life that makes life worth living.’ We at Uplands want our students to appreciate and celebrate the natural world, its incredibly diverse wildlife and beautiful landscapes, and we want the students to help protect and care for it.

As part of celebrating this day, students were taught about ways they can help biodiversity, and about an organisation that is already doing just that. Secondary students raised money for a local project who supports and researches the endangered Dusky Leaf monkeys (of which we have a resident troupe that frequent our playground!). They raised RM408 for the Langur Project Penang which will help them in continuing their research and providing education around ways we can ensure this species survival. Click here to visit their website and see the many other ways you can support this great cause.

Students also were asked to dress up in appreciation of their favourite animal. Wild cats were seen prowling the playground, a little monkey was found playing in a tree and even a flamboyant flamingo was spotted! A great day was had by all!

Hannah Willmott
Primary Leaders Coordinator