School Fees

Schedule of Fees for Academic Year 2024/2025

Education is an investment in your child’s future. Uplands is here to help you navigate the financial and application process and to answer any questions you may have about paying for your child’s education.

Fees/deposits/deadlines are subject to revision without notice. The amounts shown in this document represent fees/deposits as currently approved. However, all fees/deposits are subject to change, may be adjusted at a future date.

On Joining the School:

There are four different one-time charges to be paid on joining any year-group. All fees quoted are per child attending the school.

APPLICATION FEE (Non – refundable) due with application.RM800
THE I.S.P. SCHOOLS ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP FEE (membership applicable to one parent only).RM1,000
ENTRANCE FEE (non-refundable)RM7,000
ENROLMENT DEPOSIT (Refundable) against breakage or loss of propertyRM5,000

Tuition Fees:

Tuition Fees are invoiced twice yearly to fund teaching costs. School fees are due in the month of August and December 2024.

Year 114,00014,000
Year 217,25017,250
Year 3 to 420,50020,500
Year 5 to 624,50024,500
Year 7 to 1131,50031,500
Years 12 to 13 (IB Diploma)32,75032,750

All fees must be paid in full before a student can attend the school. The School has the right to refuse admission of a child to classes if payment has not been made. There will be no refund of tuition fees in part or in whole.

1st fee payment must be received by 12th August 2024. Full payment received by 5th August 2024 will be entitled to early-payment discounts.

2nd fee payment must be received by 30th December 2024. Full payment received by 20th December 2024 will be entitled to early-payment discounts.

  • Families with more than one child in the School at the same time are entitled to a reduction of 10% on the Tuition Fees for the second child, and 20% on the third or subsequent child.
  • Early-payment discount of 5% on tuition fee will be credited to your school account if full payment is received by 5th August 2024 (1st Billing) or 20th December 2024 (2nd Billing)
  • Schedule of fees can be downloaded here.

School Development Fund

There is an annual charge of RM 2,500.00 per student, payable to the school development fund.

Other Fees and Charges

  • Personal Accident Insurance – compulsory for all students (currently RM40 / yearly for each child).
  • Public Examination Fees Including IGCSE and IB Examinations – payable for external examinations in Years 11 and 13 and determined by the level of charges of each examination board.
  • Textbooks – the cost of English Literature Examination Texts are billed to students (Years 10 & 11).
  • IB Courses (Years 12 and 13) – students are charged for unreturned textbooks.
  • Uplands Parent Teacher Association – RM100 yearly membership fee.
  • Library Fines – students who fail to return books within the appropriate time may be fined. Students will also be billed for damaged or lost books and other resources borrowed from the Library.
  • Additional Administrative Fees – for non-routine administrative tasks requested from the School. (E.g. school trips, the issuance of school leaving certificates and academic reports)
  • School Trips, Activities – billed according to cost.

Making Payment

  • CHEQUE made payable to : ‘THE I.S.P. SCHOOLS ASSOCIATION’

Account Number : 371 087438 001

Bank & Address : HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad

No. 1 Downing Street Branch, 10300 Penang.

Swift Code : hbmbmykl

“Once payment has been made, please send the bank-in slip or bank payment advice or on-line transfer slip to Finance via fax: 04-8819788 or email to: [email protected] in order for us to identify your payment. All payments must be made in Malaysian Ringgit, and all bank charges are the responsibility of the paying authority.”